Metal Art

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These beautiful works of Art are made in Haiti. They are cut out of 50 gallon steel oil drums. The artists shape and paint them into magical works that are just breathtaking. They do this while they hear gunfire nearby, and kidnappings are taking place daily. It is a dangerous place and these artists risk their lives to make a living! Please consider adding their work to your cart.


Metal Art


34" Height x 23" Width


11"Hx11 1/2W


This item is currently out of stock. Please contact us for other options.

10 1/2" W 3" T


15" T 15" W


14" T 12 1/2" W




5"Hx 8"W


This item is currently out of stock. Please contact us for other options.

17" in diameter


8" 1/2" Height x 8" Width


Large Poppies 23" diameter


LOVE with Cat metal sign


Mr. Sun Metal Art

23" Diameter


17 1/2" Tall x 13" Width


22" Width x 17" Tall


Joy is 14"T and 16 1/2" W


16"H x 8 1/2" W


8" Height x 9" Width


17" Tall 20" Width